The ultimate in classroom interactivity – ActivPanel Touch promotes active participation in whole-class or small-group lessons by providing vivid interactivity and engaging learning experiences. With a design optimized for the classroom and superior construction, our interactive flat-panel displays will enliven lessons and promote student engagement for years to come. Promethean’s ActivInspire Professional Edition software and access to Promethean Planet’s 80,000+ free teaching resources and online professional development provide educators tools and support for active and inspired learning.
The only interactive panel
with ActivSync technology


Intuitive remote

Roaming profile
Easy to use, so you can
focus on teaching

Simultaneous browsers

Proximity sensor

Screen capture
Enhanced security protects your personal data

Multiple sign-in options

Sign out remotely

Panel management
Ideal for all learning environments

Record lessons

device agnostic

Screen share in real time
Built to last and powered with robust capabilities

Powered USB-C

Integrated microphone

7 video inputs and outputs

Vellum touch technology